Community Resources + Events
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In addition to the campaign at the top of the ticket, education is also on the November ballot!
ONE: Register to vote or update your registration! TWO: California PTA encourages everyone to vote yes on these statewide propositions: Prop 2, 3, 4, and 5. See further nonpartisan information here: THREE:…
Attention 8th Graders! Get started with your community service hours.
The Weekend Bag Program (WeB) can provide SMMUSD students with nutritious, easy-to- prepare bags of food containing 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 snacks for the weekends. The Weekend Bag Program is available to serve to all SMMUSD students. Student names are not identified to Weekend Bag Program volunteers to ensure participant privacy. Reusable plastic…
We're here to help! We are pleased to inform you that we have backpacks and school supplies available for students who need them. If your student could benefit from these resources, please contact our Bilingual Community Liaison at [email protected]. We are here to support you and ensure every student has what they need for a…